New Year, New Me - A Sustainable Approach to New Year’s Resolutions
We say the same thing every year, “New Year, New Me” as we jot down a list of New Year’s Resolutions. These resolutions are often centered around incorporating better habits into our lifestyles and quitting the bad ones. We often overlook bad habits that are harmful to the environment because of the normalization of overconsumption and excessive wastefulness.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “solid waste landfills are the third-largest source of human-related methane emissions in the United States. Methane gas has been linked to one of the types of gasses that contribute greatly to global climate change.”
On average, 35% of the food in the United States goes unsold or uneaten. Making small changes in your lifestyle this year creates more food for food insecure Americans and a healthier ecosystem.
This year, The Nature Foundation wants to share some sustainable habits you can incorporate into your 2024 routine and for many years to come.
Forest Nation
Sustainable Kitchen
Repurpose glass jars and use them as food storage for leftovers.
Use washable metal straws intead of disposable plastic ones.
Limit the use of hot water while handwashing dishes- water heaters account for about 20% of your home’s energy use.
Make your own coffee at home instead of buying takeaway- if you do get takeaway, bring your own cup instead of using a single-use plastic one.
Start using a compost- here’s a guide to get you started.
Use a dishwasher instead of handwashing to reduce water waste.
Ditch paper towels- use resuable rags instead. Consider brands such as The Useless Brand.
Reduce food waste by only buying and making what you need, and save leftovers! For storing leftovers only use resuable bags and containers.
Start buying produce and food from local markets, or shop in bulk when you can.
Health & Beauty Products
Consider shampoo and conditioner bars to reduce packaging waste.
Start using soap bars and soap saver bags instead of plastic bodywash bottles.
Switch to a reusable deodorant container instead of buying a new container every time- consider brands such as Deodorant Kindfill and Dove.
Read product labels for toxic and harmful chemicals. Apps like Yuka are great for checking what’s in your self-care products.
Use reusable cotton pads or rags to clean your face or remove makeup.
Natalie Setareh
Daily Habits
Start taking public transport, biking, or carpooling to work.
Stop buying bottled water- invest in a stainless steel resuable water bottle.
Take your own resuable bags when grocery shopping, or to any type of store that offers plastic bags.
Start thrifting and buying second-hand clothing more often.
Eat less red meat! According to a study by the University of Michigan, if you were to replace all your beef consumption with chicken for one year, you can reduce your annual carbon footprint by about 882lbs of carbon.
Switch to sustainable household and cleaning products with companies like Grove.
We hope that you can incorporate some of these sustainable lifestyle choices into your 2024 routine. Making small changes in your life improves your personal health and the wellbeing and longevity of our planet. Cheers to a New Year of Sustainable Living!